(Pick & Pack)
By allowing Cimetra to accurately manage your orders, we will meet or exceed your expectations of being your eCommerce order fulfillment partner. We can help reduce your administrative costs by keeping track of all your orders with our warehouse management system. Even if you have future shipments or backorders, our system can keep track of shipping dates so your product arrives at your customers’ dock on time. No unnecessary charge-backs or fines to deal with.
As your eFulfillment / eCommerce order fulfillment partner, Cimetra will store your inventory, process your orders, any additional fulfillment services you may need, and process any returns. No company is too small or too large, and you will feel completely satisfied with our customer service department. Cimetra can service all your EDI needs.
Our Pick & Pack process is efficient and customized. Everyone has handling or packaging needs based on the preferences of their customers. We can set up special order processing requirements to address each customer. Our team will take the time to fully understand your companies' vision and together come up with a flexible cost effective shipping strategy to meet your customers' ever changing needs and demands. Our system will allow us to ship product using FIFO (first in first out) or by using expiration dates on product.
Interested in learning more about our eCommerce order fulfillment services? Contact us today to discover how our unique Pick & Pack service can benefit you.